How to Enable Debug Mode in WordPress for Troubleshooting Errors?

Updated on ... 11th April 2023

Enabling debug mode in WordPress is a useful tool for troubleshooting errors, warnings, and notices that may be occurring on your website. When you enable debug mode, it will display all PHP errors, warnings, and notices on your website, allowing you to identify and fix any issues.

Here are the steps to enable debug mode in WordPress:

  1. Access the wp-config.php file: The wp-config.php file is located in the root directory of your WordPress installation. You can access it using an FTP client or through your website hosting control panel.
  2. Open wp-config.php file: Once you have located the wp-config.php file, open it using a text editor like Notepad or Sublime Text or your server editor.
  3. Locate the debug mode code: Look for the following line of code in the wp-config.php file:



                                                    define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );



This line of code tells WordPress to hide all PHP errors, warnings, and notices. To enable debug mode, you need to change the value of the WP_DEBUG constant to "true".

Enable Debug mode:

Change the code to the following:



                                                    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );



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Enable Debug Logging (optional)

If you want to log all the errors, warnings, and notices to a debug log file, add the following code after the WP_DEBUG line



                                                    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );



This code will create a debug.log file in the wp-content directory of your WordPress installation.

Display Errors on the Website (optional)

If you want to display the PHP errors, warnings, and notices on your website, add the following code after the WP_DEBUG line:



                                                    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', true );



This code will display the errors, warnings, and notices on your website.

Save and Close the wp-config.php file

Save the changes you have made to the wp-config.php file and close the text editor.

Check Your Website for Errors

Refresh your website and check if there are any PHP errors, warnings, or notices being displayed. If there are any errors, you will be able to see them on the website or in the debug.log file if you enabled debug logging.

Remember to disable debug mode when you are done troubleshooting to avoid slowing down your website or exposing sensitive information. You can do this by setting the WP_DEBUG constant back to "false" in the wp-config.php file.

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